Translate   11 years ago

happy. big smile, eyes shining bright. but in reality...she's not alright. her bones are breaking through her skin; all she wants to be is tall and thin. she would call out your name, silently through the cries of all the insanity she has trapped inside. obliviously, you don't recognize her unbearable pain. you're fooled (like the others) to her - pretending to be sane- game. and there she goes, clenching her hand to a fist. if anyone asks she will say,"the cat made the perfect parallel lines on my wrist." she can't breathe, she's shaking, her legs buckle, and she falls to her knees. she dies when she's alone, due to her burdensome insecurities.. and no one ever sees... because all they see is her big smile and her eyes shining bright. only assuming that she's alright. that's what happy looks like... they only see the outside... and sadly, oh so sadly... it is unfortunately right.

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