Translate   11 years ago

Wow, my #life really has become somewhat dramatic, but is it really my #life, or the #life of my best friend, who I used to live through but now I just want to shake my head at her. Sometimes she can be so hypocritical of everyone and everything, although I guess I can be too. Judge her mom for drinking everyday, yet she also drinks every day, why what's the point, can someone please explain to me the need to drink every time something doesn't go perfectly your way. I guess being my first blog, or chapter I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Jodie, I'm 20 will be 21 in April, when I was 15 I started using drugs, ecstasy and cocaine, I started dating a drug dealer. I thought my #life was awesome, I had friends a boyfriend that loved me I was happy, or so I thought, apparently at 15 know one really knows what real love is, I got cheated on, but I was to dumb to do anything about it, and so started the dumb cycle of that relationships lies betrayal. After two years, being arrested for drug dealing, and a lot of drug use I finally got out of the relationship that everyone in my family had a hatred for. As much as I hate that part of my #life, it lead me to #life I live now, 4 years clean of drugs, a beautiful 2.5 yearold son named Benjamin, the love and respect for and received by my parents and the future that I am taking for myself. My ultimate goal, through all of this is to show anyone reading, that being a young mom isn't a bad thing, it's hard but it's worth it, not everyone is bad that people change, and hopefully follow me through trying to find the man of my dreams and accomplishing school! Love you all, Jodie<3

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