Chances "The most important thing that you guys must always remember... Is... Is to stick together. Do not let anything tear you guys apart. Let nothing stand in your way. Friendship and love are like enemies and hatred. Both are strong. Both are weak. Use them to your advantage. But remember..." She died before she could finish. I managed to only have one tear run loose on my cheek. I took her hand out of mine, and closed her eyes. I left her room without turning back, if only mother hadn't been an evil spirit. She would've lived longer. Father wouldn't have died trying to kill her. Though he succeeded, it did not feel like evil had been lifted out of the world. It felt more like more has been put in... I left the three story house that my family once lived in, left all the memories it once held. I was five years when I did that. Now nine years have past. My brothers and I are living in a small cabin that they built. Zane, the oldest is taking a shower, while Alec, the second oldest is doing whatever outside. At the moment I'm sitting on an old, beat up chair that sits in front of the fireplace. Animal noises full up the silence. A beasts howl caught my attention. I got up, alert now, ready for what was coming. The news that he would bring. The beast is a comrade of Alec, yet the general of his pack of three. The beast and his pack came just as Zane came out into the living room dressed in a long jacket, tennis shoes, a green shirt, and jeans, just as Alec came in through the front door, dirt all over his hands, knees and a bit in his hair. Alec's jeans were worn out, his purple shirt a bit to small. His boots were leather. The only ones we could find. Alec and Zane are very different, yet extremely similar in a way. Zane has dark eyes, black hair, is tall and shadow like. Alec is a bright, sun shine guy, with blue eyes that sparkle, blond hair, and medium in hight(I'm taller than him). Both have pure white skin, so do I. Alex has his secrets too, just it seems as though he doesn't. I look more like Zane, black hair(mine's down to my shoulder blades), dark eyes, and am tall. I have a leather jacket that's insulated well, worn out jeans, combat boots, and a blue tee shirt. The beasts came in, making a mess at the back entry way. They looked part coyote, part bear. Four of them in total. You could tell which was alpha. He was the biggest and ugliest, but most loyal. Slobber dripped out of their mouths. It was disgusting. Their beady eyes gleamed as they watched us. Finally, I got annoyed enough, "If your going to slobber like that, then go outside. If you'd like to stay in, change into human form." My voice grew louder with each word, as I got more frustrated with the thought of cleaning it up. They followed my orders, changing into their human form. All of them have blond hair, the alpha has blue eyes, his pack has green. They looked quite similar, but the big difference would be the hight of them. Though the alpha, he's the shortest. His right wing man is the tallest. The middle, was the second shortest. I could tell by their eyes that this news is the worst we'd ever hear. After we all go settled inside the old living room, Zane's group came in. They were obviously disgusted by the way it looked, they did live in the city after all. The wood walls were bare, except for one painting of a pink rose. The fireplace, which hasn't been used in awhile, looked out of place, with the brick outlining. Two old, cloth couches sat, one under the window, and against the wall, the other right across, facing it. The chair that I was sitting in was diagonal from them, and vertical to the fireplace. There wasn't anything to use up the space in the middle. Behind us was the kitchen. There were no walls to separate it from the living room. The front door was right in the middle line of them both, as was the back door. A hallway extended the small cabin from the living room. Zane's group were of two, one a girl, Rozy, the other a guy, Darren. Rozy is as old as Alec, fifteen. Darren is as old as the alpha in Alec's group, one-hundred, twenty-six. Though, he looks younger than Rozy. Both have hazel eyes, but Rozy has red hair, and freckles. Darren has blond hair. I suppose I should say that Alec's group are all black, with shaggy black hair, and kind brown eyes. Unless you get them angry... Anyway, Alec and his group sat next to him on the couch next to the window. Zane, who's Seventeen, and his group sat on the other. I sat on the cushioned chair. I felt so lonely sitting alone. "What's up?" Alec asked to everyone. "Uh.. Um... Well.. Here." Rozy gave Zane a scroll. The alpha gave Alec a scroll too. I never really did memorize their names. I squinted at them, trying to remember. "Blue, Carson, Aaron, Venus," I spoke mindlessly as I remembered their names. Each one of them turned their heads when their name was spoken, "Yes?" They spoke in unison. "Nothing." I replied, now remembering: The alpha is Blue. The right wing man is Carson. The middle is Aaron, and the left wing man is Venus. Cool names.

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