Elderflower Every morning, I would slip unnoticed Into the coffee shop, with a tinkle of a bell, And seat myself at the table by the window In the warm light that pours through the glass. I would order elderflower cordial In a glass bottle, with a straw And sip at it slowly, flipping through The dusty pages of a book. You would sit behind the counter, Chewing your nails and humming along with the radio Happy and easily drifting along through #life, And not noticing me. Over time, I would hang the bottles up With thread in the walls of my heart, And listen to them clink and ting against one another Like a sweet, sad orchestra That plays the same sad song. I would walk underneath them, sometimes, Running my fingers along their cold, flat bottoms And sending ripples of chinks across the never ending Forest of bottles which swing in the breeze. If I turn into the wind, At just the right angle, and breathe in deeply The air would blow across them In a symphony of songs That will haunt my heart forever. One day, I think, one day I will cut all the threads and send the bottles Tumbling earthwards, Where they'll shatter, and spin And skitter like fallen birds across the floor, Ending, ending, ending! I long for you, I wish for you! I want to be the reason you are in this world! I want to have you for my own And run my fingertips along your eyelids With your breath on my skin. Now I am walking in. "May I help you?" "Elderflower cordial, please"

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