Mother. If my mother knew my thoughts Her heart would break. I can see her at my bedside, Fingers tracing her mistake. And Mother I am sorry That I make you sick with worry, That I do things that hurt you, More than I ever meant them too. Please try to understand that I Am desperate and so distressed, And I know you left your #life for me, But now your baby is depressed. And i think these awful things Mama, Like how I wish you had said no, Like how I wish you lived your #life Mama, And you should've let me go. And I love you almost too much, To ever cut or jump or try, For if I even tried it, I know that you would die. And you smile and say It'll be alright, When we both know I'm a mess, And I love you, I swear to God I do, But all I feel is emptiness. They all say I am like you, And i hope to God thats not true, Because it breaks my heart To think That you thought these things too.
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