Translate   11 years ago

War The wizard, Syrdaes stood on the balcony, looking out over the city he was sworn to defend. His white hair swept back from his face. His eyes, looked far older than the rest of him, as if they had seen too much pain in his short #life. As the sun rose over the hills in front of him, the light washed over the cobblestone roads below, lighting up the city in its special way. He could see the wall. The massive wall, surrounding the city. The wall which had stood for thousands of years. Beyond the wall, a dark mass of bodies had piles up. The awaiting horde. Syrdaes watched the creatures throwing themselves at the wall, crashing against it like waves over rocks. They had started this war years ago, and after weeks of preparation Syrdaes was ready to end it. For his people. For his city. But mostly for his wife. Syrdaes allowed himself a brief moment to think about his lover. She had been the most beautiful thing to him. She had always seemed happy and never once did she let the constant fear of war dull that happiness. He wiped away tear. He whispered a prayer for her, then walked calmly back into his room, where books were thrown everywhere. The time had come for justice. He launched into the recitations of the countless spells he had learned just for this. He hesitated only a moment before finishing the final spell. The sound of an explosion could be heard throughout the city. Syrdaes walked back out to the balcony and jumped, launching his body far out into the air. He felt a moment of weightlessness, then began to fall rapidly towards the earth below. His calm demeanor betrayed nothing as he summoned magic that was only barely within his control. He felt the wind lift him up and push him over the wall. He landed in the midst on the enemy. Thousands of black clad creatures from the darkest places in the world surrounded him, but he felt no fear. He felt only the barely contained surge of power. He lifted his hands in front of him and fire wrapped in lightning ripped through the ranks of the enemy. He turned, looking at the brave souls who dared oppose him, and they were ripped apart by some unknowable force. He was unstoppable as he swept up and down the battlefield, slaughtering the countless thousands who had chosen to attack his city. He lost control and in those seconds, there was only his unbridled rage. As the battlefield lay in ruins, with the burnt bodies of the dead lying everywhere, Syrdaes finally regained full control. He looked at the dead and sank to the ground, exhausted. He knew that he had saved countless lives, but this war was far from won.

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