An Old Enemy //sorry for the late post. I had exams and had to study // Chapter 5 After dinner, John dropped me home. "When there's a new case, feel free to call" I recommended. "Why wouldn't I?" John said with a smile. "Bye" I said and left, leaving him with only a wave from me.I checked the clock when I got inside. "4 am?" I moaned. I laid on the couch, and fell fast asleep. Next morning was different. No cases, no calls, nothing. I had a dull lunch in a restaurant nearby; I ate nothing the whole day. Days passed by with the same routine. One Friday morning, at 3 pm, I received a message from Elizabeth. She messaged: "Hello Sophie. Hope your doing well. I just wanted to inform you that I finally got a job and in Scotland Yard! My dream finally did come true! And, I'm paired with John; I have no problem with you help solving cases with us. -ET" I smiled over the text, but soon my smile faded. "It has been a month, what is Mortimer up to?" I thought aloud. 2 Days had turned into weeks. On January 17 2013, Thursday, the day wasn't boring as I thought. Mrs. Monkford told me not to be so lazy and do 'something'. I obeyed and went to my favourite bookstore. I took a book from the 5th shelf, 6th one from the left from a bookshelf in the corner, after I arrived at the store.It was a hard-covered book, my favourite type. The book I held I my hand was from one of my favourite authors, 'Mrs McGinty's dead by Agatha Christie'. I admire her works. Just as I opened the book, I noticed Gary Bones, an old sweet man (in his 70's) who owns the bookstore, walk up to me. Gary owned the bookstore since I was 6. "Hallo, Sophie!" he said with delight. "Hello!" I replied "How are you?" "I'm doing well, thank you. How are you?" "Great" "I haven't seen you in 2 months! You used to come here every weekend, if I recall correctly. Where were you all these days?" "Busy" I lied. "Oh, I see. Busy with all the cases, eh?" I nodded. Gary turned pale;his face turned dull and grim and his hands were trembling. "Is everything alright?" I asked "Everything's fine" he said "Fine" he turned and went to proceed with his work. I watched him until he was out of my sight. "Problem at home, maybe. Best not to ask" I thought. After an hour of reading, I closed the book, put it back; I waved Gary goodbye and left. 3 3 days later, January 20. I got up, expecting the day to go more boring than ever. Well, I was wrong. 9:54am to be exact, I received a call from John; He sounded terrified. "Hi. No time to sit and chat, I need you here now. Oh, Elizabeth's not here yet, mind picking her up?" he asked "No. I'll pick her up and be there as soon as possible, but I need the address" I said. "Same place as Stacy's case. Same floor" "That's a bit odd. But yes, I'll be there. Could you at least give me some information about the case?" I asked. "I can't explain it on the phone. You need to see it. I have to go now, bye" he hung up.I threw the phone on the couch, in a hurry. I grabbed my coat and rushed to Elizabeth's house. I reached at her doorstep; knocked several times on her door and she opened it. "What- oh, hey" she said "Hey. No time to explain, but we have a case and John wants you and me there now. Could you please come?" I said in excitement. "Alright. Clam down." she said and shut the door. She came out a minute later with her long maroon coat and her hair pony-tailed. "Well, that was fast." I remarked "It's a new record" she said and smiled while I rolled my eyes. 4 We arrived at the scene of the crime; John was already waiting outside for us. I waved at him so he would know we came. We walked over to him. "It's the same flat as Stacy's case. Other than that, its very....different." he said."Follow" He went up the spiral staircase and we followed. John stopped near a door, looking at both of us. "Go" Elizabeth went in first. She screamed and came back out, breathing heavily. Now, it was my turn to go and take a look. I took a deep breath and went inside. What I saw, I couldn't believe. I wanted to go from there, quickly but I froze and I stood there. That murder, was so.. gruesome. It was beyond what a normal killer is capable of.. To be continued.

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