Translate   11 years ago

Paris Hilton And The Bubble Machine The day was cold and wet, The girl holding a pet, Into a shop she went, Millions of dollars she spent. Alas the girl had found, A bubble machine around, Insult it of course she did, No one knew what secrets it hid. The shop keeper warned thee, Inside a creature was set free, That no one could ever escape, What would be that girls fate? Inside that girls ear, It whispered 'my girl do hear', You shall pay for this, And Paris I shan't miss. The girl quivered in fear, For the creature was drawing near, While driving home that night, She could sense a mighty fight. In her home what did she find, The bubble maching and in her mind, 'Hello again, we meet for now Your heart shall break with every pound'. 'Please don't hurt me' she did beg, 'It's too late now' the voice had said, The neighbours around heard her screams, But thought it not much more than dreams. On the morning of the next day, Inside a church her family prayed, For she had not been seen since that night, Her disappearance gave her parents a fright. Months and months passed by since then, When finally her body was found in a den, Behind the house where the deed was done, The bubble maching had had its fun. Came the day of the girls wake, When they realised her body a fake, Again the search for her body began, By male and female, the wisdom of man... Could not imagine the horrors of her, The innocent dead covered in dirt, Its mangled body on the beach did lie, The wonder of how she died. The thought and thought but couldn't think, Why someone would hate the girl in pink, Her stupidity perhaps or her wasteful #life, Whatever the reason they could not deny. The evil who has committed itself, To harming the poor girl so full of health, One day well hidden in the sand, They did find the puzzle of man. A curse of which they didn't know, This evil mysterious foe, Now they know the reason she died, But not where the curse had lied. So came an inspector who dared to say, 'I shall not rest until the day, I find that poor girls soul, and fill the emotional hole'. On her body the did find, Washing up liquid left behind, Oblivious to what the public would think, They now knew what would match the link. They searched and searched for the murderer, They did not find it though their search was thorough, As you would have already thought, The bubble machine was probably lost? The answer is no, it did not even hide, This may have come as a surprise, For the truth lies where it all began, In the shop, the creature's land. The bubble machine was never found, So just in case look around, Be sure to never insult the bubbles, For you may find yourself in trouble.

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