Translate   11 years ago

May I Compare Thee To A Summers Day- Govna Welcome to capitalism- the best way to misplace value. Depending on how much money you have, or how strategic you are, the image you're trying to portray is just a make-over away. First step you pick who you want to impress. Second, you study the greats in that social sphere. Third step, you imitate the style, add in your own little twist, and wa-la, you've manifested you're desired image. In a world where image is everything you better pick yours carefully- because one simple slip up could mean the difference between letting people know you were made in Chelsea, or your only way is Essex. You may want to deny any of this matters, and tell people you don't care what anyone thinks, but in reality it really does, and if it didn't you'd be walking around naked, and then people would still think you adopted a look- even if it was crazy. What I'm saying is ultimately you have no choice- you have to pick an image ! The question then is, what image is the right one? Do we attempt to fit in with your friends, and personify yourself in the same way? Do we follow the look of that of which we aspire to be part of, as our parents have famously advised- 'dress for the job you want, not the one you have'. Or do we attempt to fool people into thinking we're so good even without trying, by purposefully making an effort of making little effort? My suggestion is, don't put yourself in a box, allow your image to simply adapt to your circumstances and to obtain your desired outcomes. And, if anyone tell you you're just being fake, remind them how regularly they change when they're required to go to an- interview, weddings, clubs ect. People long so badly to just 'belong' they often feel they are betraying their roots when they willingly subscribe to different images of them selfs. As skitzophrenic as it may seem it only takes a moment to realise that away from our outside image we all have many different sides to ourselves, so why not promote our diversity by properly embracing this into our everyday #lifestyles- portraying the different images of ourselves when necessary. This will not only benefit our capacity to liberate our suppressed identities, it will also be a huge step towards riding the world of simplistic prejudices. So be yourself, or rather the many different sides of yourself, you'll be making the world a better place

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