Translate   11 years ago

The Night Looking into the sky, I unwind. The hues of purple, blue, black, and occasionally yellow silence my hazel eyes. I smile lightly to myself, letting my now light-brown hair cascade over my face, folding my hands in my lap. I await the #life, the comfort, and the love of the sky. Her arrival is inevitable. My hand raises to grasp my necklace. A single round charm is on the silver chain. Upon this charm is a lovely image of a howling wolf. It is sad, but happy. Happy for being cared for tenderly by her endless embrace, but sad for never fully moving with the rhythm of her song. "I see the moon, the#moonsees me..." I chuckle warmly and look up, gazing at her round body. "Please let the light that shines on me, shine on the ones I love.." Lyrics to her song run through my mind, and soon I fall.

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