The Difference Between Men And Boys And Girls And Woman A lot of girls need to realise that if they are saying all boys are dicks, cheaters or just not nice people then they are with the wrong people. There a lot of boys who are 100% genuinely nice people and who believe that their girl should be treated better than any other person they know. So the girls who are saying that all boys are dicks and so on, just remember that.. boys who have loads of Facebook friends and who you probably think are hot most of the time aren't as nice and loving people as those who haven't got that many and aren't what you would calm popular. Yes there are some boys who are just utter prats but those boys will stay boys, and the boys that treat their girls like princesses/ the most important person in their #life will no longer be boys they will be men. The girls who don't believe that all boys are dicks will become woman. That's the difference between men and boys and girls and woman

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