Translate   12 years ago

An Outstanding Story Okay. This is it. I'm starting it right now. No more procrastination! Just focus, and writing, and... Well... Humphf. Yepp, I'm stuck. Again. How long is it going to take for me to get my act together and write a decent novel or a story or... Well, I would even be satisfied with an essay about a stupid subject like mass movement or something. I. NEED. TO. WRITE. SOMETHING. Anything, really, would do the job. I don't even care WHAT I write, it just has to be a decent piece of writing, so that I can practice my skills and build them up so that one day when I grow up I can write an outstanding book and become a famous writer like J. K. Rowling or Suzanne Collins. Wait a minute... I... I just realised ... I did it. I wrote... Something.

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