Translate   11 years ago

11:58 PM Water drips softly in the mist of night Crickets making sounds as my ears delight . My soul is healing with what lies in my chest. Seeing things clearly, thank God for the rest. Why the confusion? I'll never know, Put away the fear, let myself grow! Examining the deep scar, I knew, I lied to myself, he couldn't be true! Never was about me ; It wasn't my sin. He did it himself, He wanted to win. His careless treachery, was a cherishing blow, I look back now, I see, I know. God did for me what I wouldn't do myself. Living with a liar would be no "Me" left. Layers torn from my skin Ripped open in my soul.. Thank you God for lifting me from the deepest dark Hole. I am free to be true and honor this "me", Through Gods' loving grace I have dignity. Stronger I am from your penetrating wrongs, Confused forever as your fickle heart longs.... For what you once had will never be ... A #life filled with true love from me. Praise be to God; Saving me from you! I see things clearly, You can't love true! Without truth there is no intimacy, Into u I see? What? Lies and deceit? With no intimacy, there is no "Relationship" And without a relationship your "love" is no more than a pretty way to excuse using people for your own sexual gratification. A self serving fantasy to cover the truth of your sexual addiction; your need to seduce and dominate. What lovely verbose words of flowery adjectives you conger up. The picture is so pretty you paint for your target. You have done your homework and studied them well. You know the exact things to say and how to look so deeply penetrating and longing into their "soul". What is it a form of hypnotism? A gift from from below no doubt. Only a self serving fantasy... that hurts so easily. He walks away from the destruction With no remorse; Find a new victim to use and coerce. I cannot stop him from hurting another, I cannot make him change his ways, I can only change me, through a true love that stays. Gods' love is pure and will never forsake, I danced with the devil and my #life he did not take. God protects me when i do his will, I danced with the devil, And God loves me still. Thank you, thank you, thank you God! For setting me free; And showing me what I was too blind to see. Amen

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