The Adventures Of Opuss Part 2 Door, Grandma, Door, Grandma... Which one? Opuss's mind was boggling with questions that, typically, had no complete answer. While he was contemplating what to do he lifted a Crowbar. "Mere intelligence" he whispered to himself "mere intelligence". Two men walked in, each equipped with shotguns. This situation became unfair and explicit so Opuss decided to get out before his fatal death. He might just have had a fighting chance had her bodyguards had not come to save her. Opuss released his body from the grasp of the old woman and clambered onto the bookshelf. Abruptly he stood despite fear of heights and took a massive leap of faith out, off of the balcony then 'BANG!' right onto solid reinforced concrete "Damn it!" he hissed pulling up to a tree for stable support. Opuss nursed his knee as well as he could before trying to think up some logical strategies. In order to stay completely and utterly safe from harm (just in case the old lady was Grandma Puss) Opuss would have to venture away from home into the unknown... Who knows, maybe when he returns he may be able to fight the witchy old hag himself. That's it! SpellCraft! Opuss had heard many stories of an old shack in the Wood of Despair, where an old witch should live. She may be able to teach Opuss magic! Opuss's friends at school just thought it was a myth but Opuss continued to believe despite his friends thoughts and trying to build structures of how he thought the castle would have looked, sadly all his attempts failed, although he always knew 'There is ALWAYS a reasonable explanation to everything, you just have to find what it is.' This is a #quote his Grandpa Puss always told him whenever in doubt. Grandpa Puss was married to Grandma Puss soon after their first child which was Opuss's mother. Supposedly everyone loved his mother apart from his father who slept around with other woman. Opuss could vaguely remember a fragile picture of his mother and father kissing. Opuss couldn't understand, they looked so in love, but in a way love can be blind. Opuss rose up, back still tight against the aged tree. He could walk to the Woods of Despair as they weren't too far from this hell driven area. Although,There may be a little difficulty getting there with a broken leg to nurse, even WITH a little encouragement therefore he would need a little help. With no phone or close friends in the area, how could he contact anyone? A subtle yell came from in the cul-de-sac not far from where Opuss was standing. He could recognise that voice from anywhere. "Karma!" She was a girl from his karate classes who he had happened to make rather good friends with. "Opuss!" She shrieked in delight "look what the cat dragged in!" "Charlie MacFish?" Opuss asked licking his paw carelessly like his #life was just a natural subject for cats his age. "What did you say, Opuss? My dearest apologies, my ears are clogged with whitefish," "I was just wondering if you might be Charlie MacFish," "That is indeed my name. Why do you ask? Did you forget?" "Oh, no reason at all," finished Opuss who was regretting even starting to chat with him because, apparently, he could talk for Britain. Which Opuss had no time for. "Look," started Opuss "I need someone to help me get to the Witches Tower in the Woods of Despair, would either of you care to travel with me?" Silence left Opuss still, he was waiting for an answer when suddenly... Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Karma and Charlie burst into unstoppable laughter, Opuss was NOT amused unlike the pair of laughing lunatics beside him. He simply ignored them as he limped down the road towards the motorway. "Wait for us!" They screamed in unison scrambling after him, tripping over one another's feet. Will Opuss find the secret of the witch?

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