Translate   11 years ago

The Magic Jelly Bean Once upon a time there was a boy called Ben. He did not have a lot of money, he lived in a little cottage with his mum. One day he was helping round the house and his mum gave him a pound coin from the Savings and asked him to go buy some milk, so he did. On the way to the shop a man stopped him and asked him " do you want some magic beans and " he said no " and carried on towards the shop. Once he had payed for the milk he had 20p change, the shop keeper said "would like some jelly beans " . Then Ben after thinking for a minuet he said " ok". He tuck the beans and went home and gave his mum one and when he bit his it started to glow so he through it in the bin and went to bed. When he got up in the morning there was a tree in the bin with lots of little jelly beans which tasted like stake and chocolate ice cream and tomatoes and cheese and chocolate fudge cake and the a man came to the door and said " Hi, I'm hear to see your mother and I need to give her this ". He held out a envelope. Then Ben said " sorry she a sleep but I will give it to her" . The man said " ok" . When the envelope was opened it was full of money. There was about one thousand pound. After that Ben had the best #life ever

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