übersetzen   12 Jahre

Dark, Cold and Feckless It's been twenty-one years since a change in the values of #life has been detected. I lost a whole lot of hope today for the way of #life. Things were never this bad. The crazy cities of the island are at war with one another. The newspaper headlines telling us everyone and everything will kill us, While the cold hearted journalists intrude on the lives of damaged folk for their views, And the modem music rotting the speakers of the stereo, clogging it up with dirty innuendo playing in the background. As the future soldiers sit on their bottoms armed with the controls, killing off non-existant enemies with non-existant guns, and non-existant morales ir family ties, As the magazines are screaming at us to stop eating and be a cold silhouette of a slender front page tart, While the television broadcasts sad stories through means of advertisment, just to turn the other cheek and go "Fuck them. Look after number one." It's a dark and dynamic world out there, where change is for the worse, and fairness is the lying word that is spouted by the suits once a day, to keep their integrity and reputation amongst The Legion of Doom in check. It's a world where "New and Improved" is nothing more than a way to destroy the things people love, whilst at the same time, putting a heavier price tag on it. A world where a feckless youth destroy themselves with cheap piss and chemicals with names with countless syllables. A world I long to dismiss.

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