Chapter 4 Emblem3 walks in the door dressed up all cute, as normal . My jaw dropped to the floor and I swear i was drooling , suddenly I jumped up . " Hey I'm Cassidy , Grant's daughter nice to meet you !" I said so nervous !! " Hey " all three said at the same time waving at me . "Do you know where your dad is ? " " Um..I think he's in his office " I said pointing to his office "Thanx sweetheart " Wesley said smiling . I smiled back . When they left to go to my dads office I jumped all around and was smiling like an idiot again . "OMG what do I do ? Do I not say anything ? Do I say something ? " I thought to myself . I didn't want to post anything anywhere just to keep them safe and because my dad also told me not to being in freaky fangirls. Which I found weird because I'm a freaky fangirl !! After almost an hour they walked out of the meeting with my dad , I stood up again . "Awesome , can't wait to work with you guys !! " " Can't wait to work with you Mr. Baker " Drew said sweetly . " You can call me Grant ! " "Okay awesome ! " the boys said smiling . "Hey Cassidy ." Wes said . " Hey Wes " I said blushing . "So...ya wanna grab some Starbucks sometime ? " he asked smiling "Sure..I'd love that " I said smiling and blushing , having a fangirl moment inside ! Once they left and I drove home with my dad I asked him " Hey dad when will the boys be recording with you ? Anytime soon ? "Actually tomorrow they are coming on to do a run through type thing , we will do a test track...." He started to mumble on and on but all I heard was that they will be there tomorrow and so will I ! I ran up to my room to go find something cute to wear tomorrow , something fancy but casual at the same time ! So they wouldn't think I was trying to hard . The next morning I got dressed , ate breakfast then headed to the recording studio . When I pulled in the parking lot right next to me was Wesley in his car smiling at me and I was of course blushing and smiling back . We both got out of our cars and walked up to the door with Keaton and Drew following . I reached for the door and so did Wes. Our hands were touching and touching and STILL touching !!! " Oh um...sorry ya...haha " we both said awkwardly chuckling . "Ladies first..." Wes said escorting me inside . "Why thank you " I said in a fancy tone . When we got inside I told them that they can just wait in the studio and wait for my dad. "We would rather stay out here with you if u don't mind ." Keaton spoke for all three of them . " Oh okay I don't mind at all ." I blushed a little . We talked a little about their career and X Factor then got on to making plans for a date ! o they wouldn't think I was trying to hard . The next morning I got dressed , ate breakfast then headed to the recording studio . When I pulled in the parking lot right next to me was Wesley in his car smiling at me and I was of course blushing and smiling back . We both got out of our cars and walked up to the door with Keaton and Drew following . I reached for the door and so did Wes. Our hands were touching and touching and STILL touching !!! " Oh um...sorry ya...haha " we both said awkwardly chuckling . "Ladies first..." Wes said escorting me inside . "Why thank you " I said in a fancy tone . When we got inside I told them that they can just wait in the studio and wait for my dad. "We would rather stay out here with you if u don't mind ." Keaton spoke for all three of them . " Oh okay I don't mind at all ." I blushed a little . We talked a little about their career and X Factor then got on to making plans for a date !

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