Chasing Memories - Prologue "Stop giving me that bullshit! I don't want to hear it!" "We can't just say it's going to work for us when we both know it never will!" Jin followed Akira down the street, looking incredibly pissed. All these blissful months into their blossoming relationship and now they're left with a day before Jin had to leave abroad. It was already starting to get dark and thunder boomed in the distance. "Akira, listen! You're not making this any easier! Do you think I want to go?? Akira--LISTEN TO ME!" Jin grabbed Akira's arm and pulled her to face him, and what he saw only made him wish to stay longer. Akira was in tears, looking at him sadly, her amber eyes glowing morosely as tears streamed down her face. He knew it was rare for Akira to cry as he knew the strength it took for her to let go of the tears. Jin wanted to take them all away and no longer make it hurt for her. "Jin... Let's stop this now and forget all this. It's not going to do us any good. The only thing that will come out from this is you being somewhere far and moving on with #life.." The rain now poured over their heads heavily, that afternoon, reflecting their feelings as their parting came closer. Akira and Jin stood under the rain that summer afternoon, trying to fight the tears and not wanting to say goodbye, but they had to. "Akira, don't make it hard for me to leave," said Jin, holding her hand gently in his. "It'll never be hard for you... You're the one who is leaving.. I am the one left behind to grieve over what we couldn't continue.", said Akira. The rain became stronger and neither of them moved from the spot before the church where they first met. The cherry blossom trees that lined the church's pathway that hung its' looming branches above them barely protected them from the rain and the cold wind. Nothing ever could that moment. Jin held her hand tighter as he saw a car from a distance. It was none other than his father come to fetch him. Jin closed his eyes, hoping his own tears mingled with the rain on his face and that Akira would never know. His dark eyes met Akira's in a determined gaze. "Wait for me. I shall come back no matter what." Looking up at the cross on the church, Jin eyed the cross and said a silent prayer in his mind. He prayed to protect Akira all the time and to never let her forget him. He then pulled his 8-shaped pendant necklace and placed it in her hand. "This will lead me back to you. You see there are no ends. That will always be my feelings for you, Akira." Akira looked at it and clasped it to her chest. "Jin... You don't have to give me this... I know this means much to you..", she muttered. "Not as much as you matter to me...", said Jin, embracing her tightly. He let her go, looked deep into her eyes and tenderly said, "I... I have always loved you despite all and everything, Akira." The car pulled over by them and Jin gave Akira a gentle kiss on her lips before going in, leaving her under the rain with a promise of his return. Only, Akira will never remember it long enough as an accident wiped Jin out of her #life in an instant.