A Summer to Remember... Part 1. A typical teenage girl I have never been lucky with love. I have always found an interest in the wrong guys. Which has never ended well...I've always been let down, cheated on, lied to, treated poorly, rejected or just genuinely messed about. I rushed into the idea of 'love' when I was quite young because I remember listening to songs that described it so beautifully. I also remember watching cheesy love films that always made me shed a tear of happiness at the end seeing a couple together walking into the distance of the sunset. I was oblivious to all the drama and breakups and arguments that also comes with a relationship. All I knew was, I wanted love. Love like the movies and love described in songs. I tried desperately throughout my early teen years to find the right guy. Little did I know that finding a soul mate can take years and years. I was in my own little dream land and I hadn't woken up to reality; until a couple years past and I just woke up one day and thought 'fuck this'. It had been one of those restless nights where you sit up in your bed gazing up at the night sky looking deeply into the darkness to see the glistening stars. I just sat there staring into the night. I sat up In my nested duvet and pulled it up around me so I was cosy. I thought about everything. My head exploded with thoughts. I started worrying about things I had never even thought about before. I was over thinking and I started to get a prickling sensation behind my eyes. A tear drizzled down my cheek. It seeped into the side of my lips and a salty taste spread on the edge of my tongue . Before I knew it the tears were streaming and I just couldn't stop. I sobbed gently into my pillow as I thought about love. I felt angry. Love wasn't like the movies or the songs. Love stinked. Love was pathetic and I never wanted anything to do with it again. I had just broken up with my boyfriend and I was having a hard time coping.I was 16 years old worrying about being alone for the rest of my #life. I had very little knowledge. A few months past and I had managed to focus mainly on my exams and friendships. I hadn't even thought about lads or boyfriends for a long time. I didn't care about them. I was 16 and already sick of relationships. However whilst I was giving up all my hope of love and boyfriends etc, my friends were just getting an interest for it all. "Joey and I are going to be together for ever Rose i just know it" said Annie as she clasped her hands together dreamily and gazed up at the clouds. I rolled my eyes and buried my head in my revision book trying to look interested in chemistry so she wouldn't disturb me. Another few months past, and it was edging closer to the summer holidays. I hadn't really thought about what I was going to do this summer.. I knew I wouldn't be seeing my friends though. They were all going on holiday with their boyfriends or if they weren't going away no doubtedly they would be with them every day they were free. Summer was a great time to be in a relationship. Parents never at home, hot days to spend at the beach, long evenings that were perfect for lying under the stars together. Blar Blar blar... I had never experienced these things and I guess I was kind of secretly jealous. So anyway, I decided that summer would be a great time to be single. I could do whatever I wanted, meet new people, practise surfing on the beach, visit my cousins in Miami, I could do whatever I wanted to do with no one to hold me back. This summer would be great. I tried to convince my self... Finally, the first day of the holidays had arrived. I woke up and stretched across my doublebed moving the quilt onto the floor as I moved me feet apart. I moaned softly as my body slowly woke up. The morning sunlight filled the room with a golden glow. I took a deep breath of excitement as I thought of all the things I could do today. The house was quiet and peaceful. I heard my mum shouting up the stairs, "off to work baby, il be back at 6 and dads back at 10. There's food in the fridge you can have your friends over. Keep the house tidy and be good! Love you loads baby and If you go out remember to lock up, Byeeee," "bye mum, love you too, take care!" I shouted back. A few moments of lying in my warm sheets, I managed to motivate myself to get up. I glanced in the mirror at my skin. It had managed to clear up after using this special 'clear skin' treatment my mum had bought me. I smiled as I felt confident with myself. Suddenly I heard a jingling sound followed by a vibration. I immediately jumped and rolled over onto my bed as I scooped my phone up in my hands. 1 Text from Annie: hey rose! Me and the girls are hitting the beach today fancy coming?xx I sat and pondered for a second... Hmmm most likely they would bring their boyfriends, but I guess I hadn't really thought of any better plans for the day and I did need a tan desperately..I replied with 'yeah sounds great il be down at 12! See you later xxx' Little did I know that today would change the rest of my plans for summer. After what felt like 10 hours of rummaging through my wardrobe, I finally found a decent bikini that was okay to be seen in public wearing. In other words one with no pink flowers on, or hello kitty , or 'no.1 girl' written over the bottom half. It was just a nice plain peachy pink colour with a thin strap that tied neatly around the neck in a cute bow. I shuffled into my white beach shirts, grabbed my sunshades off the counter and slipped my feet into my flip flops before heading swiftly out the door and locking up. I swung my straw bag over my shoulder and headed briskly down to the beach. It's not unusual to walk around the streets in a bikini especially in the summer months. In fact it's probably unusual to not walk around in beach clothes. I strolled past all the beach bars and I got a couple whistles off some local lads who were sat up on the High stools sipping down ice cold beer. I turned around lowering my shades to give them a glance. I smiled and then continued on my way. I looked up at the palm trees and the sun beaming down on the shops and bars. I turned the corner And I saw it. The beautiful turquoise sea glistening in the afternoon sun. Part 2 is in the process of being written afternoon sun. The waves gently washing up onto the white sands.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère