Translate   12 years ago

A Beginning Darkness enveloped her, it took over everything. The light, her breath, every last hope and dream, were being sucked away. She was suffocating and she could feel her #life waning away with every second that passed. Panic rose in her throat, she felt like she was falling deeper and deeper into the darkness but she couldn't slow down. She tried to claw her way up. But which way WAS up? Soon she wouldn't be able to move, and then it would be over. Fear gripped her heart, and as panic took over her body, her back arched and a scream tore from her lips. Katie woke up gasping, she could feel tears pouring down her cheeks and sweat beading on her forehead. The sheets of her double bed were twisted around her arms and legs. For a second she felt the familiar grip of fear and struggled to tear the sheets from her body. She had been experiencing the same dream for weeks, but only ever remembered the fear. That feeling was not so easy to forget.

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