Traduire   12 années depuis

The View From The Late Afternoon The sun smoulders all afternoon untill an enveloping, almost mystical, orange glaze perforates every inch of the sky to the south. it streaks and entwines with dashes of purple and red like an artists pallet trying to capture the perfect sunset on canvas. The sweet last rays of northern sunshine clasp and claw onto the cliffside as they slowly begin to shiver upon the horizon. Dusk slowly begins it's ascent, slowly and patiently creeping over my English spectrum sky looking beautifully soothing and endlessly infinite. As the sky melts into blackness, the vermillion satin colour of night pierced with needle like stars, putting everyone and thing into perspective with one audacious wink from above. Showing the insignificance of it all, and yet showing that above all there is only this.

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