Traducciones   12 años

The Witch's Curse One day around the time witch craft blossomed there was a witch. This witch was a red head and called lil red. She always wore a lil red hood made by her momma who pasted away. This shall surprise but this lil girl was only 12 years old. She was so young for a witch that the never believed she was one. She decieved many people. But one young boy that was the same age as her saw though her web of lies. This boy was cursed by the lil girl. She cursed him by making turn every full#mooninto a wolf. The hunted lil red every full moon. One day got married to the sister of lil red. They were in love but lil red did not approve. So she cursed the sister and turned her into a vampire. The werewolfs natural enemy. They still loved eachother. Truth be told was that lil red wanted him to her self. Eventually the boy and sister finally got back together. Lil red was ferious. The boy warned her to leave him and his love a lone. The boy had children with the sister. They were cursed to turn every full#moontoo. But lil red had disappeared though these years had she die? No One knows but the boys family still watch out for her.

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