Traducciones   12 años

The story of Jack Johnson part 3 Final part Jack quickly closed the door and ran down stairs. he heard the man behind him say 'I'm gonna eat you alive!!' Jack was almost at the front door! but the door closed in front of him. the jack turned around and he saw the man standing in front of him. the man smashed jack right in his face and jack was unconscious. when jack woke up he was strapped with his hands and feet. he heard the man was coming. the man set aahh your awake good. first I wanted to eat you alive but I have changed my mind I'm not so hungry any more.I know something better for you. jack was so full of fear that he felt his whole body was shaking.jack said with a sad scared voice please let me go I can give you everything you want please please let me go. the man said yes you gonna give me two things thats al I want. what what do you want set jack? the man said I want you in that coffin that lies next to you and after I buried you alive I want to hear you scream!! scream!! like a pig!! jack set screamed please nooo!!! Let me go please !!! please let me go!!! the man placed jack in the coffin and closed the coffin and dragged it outside. jack screamed for his #life so maybe someone would here him but no body came. the man placed jack in to grave and buried him he laughed while he was doing it and set yes!!! scream pig scream!!!. jack kept screaming please let me go. jack was so full of panic and fear that he past out. when he woke up it was all dark and jack cried.. weeks later the police searched for jack and searched the house. the man was gone and they never found the man or the body of Jack Johnson... the end...?

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