Translate   12 years ago

The Boy Who Falls This is a very funny story so I hope you enjoy it. There is only three boys and one girl, and they would always fight over her. She would tell them to stop, until she invite all three boys, and it was winter, so the boys were so happy they all fell on the ice because they were running. So when they arrived at her house they heard nothing going on and she said, "come in," so the boys did, and they that it was a joke, but it was in the basement but one of them went upstairs with her, and he was like wow cool. So he was tired and fell asleep in her bed and the next day later, he left and he fell on the stair, but he was sitting but on the stair it was funny he thought. So he walked home but really he went to the basement because, he thought that everybody was down there but guess not, so he finally left and he was running home and slip again other people were laughing at him so he was sad and finally he arrived home safely and went to sleep and then his brother just woke him up and said wake up it's 10 he said,"No I want o sleep," but really he slept for three straight hours and then he finally woke up, he fell off the couch and his brother laughed at him and he was hungry so he went to the place with his brother and the place was called McDonalds and he could of ate cereal at home. It was weird because he just walk to McDonald instead of driving. They came home and their mom said where were you four you guys are grounded forever, but than one of the brothers jump out of the window, and he went to the hospital,lucky he did not die, he lived but he forgot all these stuff and he has to go back to school to learn what his friend learn. So he learned all these stuff and it was fun for him. His mom never loved them but his brother did he was at school and all of a sudden he fell and they called his mom but his mom didn't care so they called his brother and he came in time and he didn't make it.

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