Translate   11 years ago

The story of jack Johnson part 2 That night it was going to be a full#moonso jack went to the graveyard. When he arrived he looked around him, he saw some tree's and some old gravestones and a path covered with leaves. at the end of that path he saw a great old house. Jack walked to that house and suddenly he heard something behind him.he looked around him but nothing was there. jack looked in the camera and set hey Brian for a second there I thought I heard something whooohhh I am so scared now. Jack kept talking to his camera.hey Brian I have some news for you this graveyard is not scary its boring, jack opened the door of the old house. he saw some stairs and a long hallway. he walked up the stairs and he saw a door he opened the door jack suddenly paralyzed!!. he saw a creature bending over something, when jack looked close he saw it was a dead body!!! that creature was eating a dead body!!. the creature turned around and looked jack right in the eyes. jack could see his face now it looked like a bald dead man with grey skin. the man set your next!! part 3 coming soon if you like it. tips and suggestions are always welcome.

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