Translate   11 years ago

Children Of The Night Chapter 7 It was unusual to have classes on Saturday but it had been canceled earlier in the week. Ava had just finished her breakfast and was polishing off a blood and raspberry smoothie. She couldn't stand cold blood by itself and it wasn't the same reheated. One morning when Gwen had decided to stay over the night before she got a brilliant idea to make the cold blood in a smoothie. The girls had been making them ever since. It was a nice day out, the sun shining bright and the birds singing. Ava stood on the sidewalk breathing in the fresh morning air. Slowly, she made her way to the school. With all of the classes she was taking Ava was always in a hurry and never really had time to enjoy the mornings. She figured since she was withdrawing she could take her time. A coffee place/bakery sat just up ahead on the corner. The road there was a busy one and there were a lot of very angry drivers. Ava dipped into the bakery and got in line. The smell of fresh bread and coffee overwhelmed her senses. Besides blood it was the best smell to her. She heard the door open and that smell rushed through her. The smell that could stop her in her tracks and make her woozy. The line moved forward, and she didn't. A young woman behind her cleared her throat kind of rudely, stepping a little closer to try and get Ava to move. "Sorry." she said a little breathlessly, moving up with the line. She was third back from the front. Ava looked around the small area, knowing exactly who she was looking for. Butterflies filled her stomach as she spotted him at a table near the window and bathroom, Pierce. She couldn't help but stare. "I could spend eternity watching him." she whispered. "What?" Ava jumped at the sound of the young woman's voice who was behind her. "Nothing." she said as she moved closer to the counter. The woman looked to where Ava had previously been staring. "Ah. Him?" she said, motioning towards Pierce. Ava shook her head, "I just know him from a class. That's all." "Hot, right?" "Yeah." Ava replied, grinning. It was her turn at the counter. "Next." the man behind the counter said. "I would like a mocha cappuccino, extra whipped cream, light on the chocolate sprinkles and a large blueberry muffin please." A few minutes later the guy handed her a small box and her drink. She gave him a $10 and walked away. "Keep the change." she called behind her as se headed straight for Pierce's table. "Hey." She flashed a smile a him. "Hey what's up?" he replied, smiling back. "Not much. Cappuccino and a muffin. Headed on my way to withdraw from school." "Withdraw?" his face dropped some. "Yeah, I'm going to reapply later. College just isn't for me right now." "Well hopefully I'll get to see you still. We seem to run into each other a lot." "A lot? We've ran into each other twice, not counting now. We have never associated outside of class before until last night." "Well we see each other in class, and after you withdraw then it will e only be random encounters." Pierce grinned when he said, making Ava laugh. "Excuse me." said a voice behind her, the one from the line. Ava turned around, moving out of the way a bit. The woman sat across from Pierce, handing him a coffee and a muffin. "Ava, this is my girlfriend Prudence. Prudence, this is my friend Ava." Prudence grinned and extended her hand. "Nice to meet you." Ava forced a grin and took the girl's hand, using every force of her being not to crush it to dust.

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