Tradurre   12 anni fa

The Tale Of Brandon-117 The future was bleak. The aliens had found the capital and almost all there safe houses and they chance of survival was 32.33 repeating and there only hope was to kill the mother ship because all the aliens conected to to the mother they figured like ants so the only way to kill them all was blast the s**t out of the queen with there rocket launchers and rpgs a couple death machines maybe even a spartan laser or two but the aliens seemed to know because the day before the soldiers from earth were planning to leave the aliens trashed there place and only one survived brandon-117 he only survived on the hope he would find his jillitron-9001 who was kidnapped by the evil buttsucking aliens alothough all seemed lost b-117 was determined to do the mission even if it was just himself so he took up his armor jetpack lucky pair of boxers space Jordan's and a f**k ton of C4 and flew up into the sky to find the mothership it was a hard treacherous journey he survived by eating only nutella for days until he floated upon the ship he loaded that motherf****r up with so much C4 it would burn as bright as the sun but this was the easy part of the journy now he had to find his beloved jillatron so he blasted himself a hole in the ship and truged along looking like a bad ass he searched the entire ship until he found her in with 90000000000 other prisoners he new he could only save one so he reached in and grabbed his jillitron and right there in front of everyone they shared data (<3 awww ) and then using the back up fuel on b-117's back the rocketed out the ship ind blew it to smithereens and used the force from the huge explosion to send them back to earth and at the peak of the explosion all the aliens shut down and b-117 was revered a hero with his wife jillitron and they made legit made like out of little parts many children to rule the world with the end

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