Creepy Carving •Sorry I haven't posted in a while; kinda forgot about Opuss• •This is true 100%• ~For Christmas, my grandma gave my mum this creepy looking mask/carving. Looks kinda African~ On Boxing Day, my mum put it up on the wall in the living room, opposite the 3-seater sofa. I always sit on this sofa at the end and play on my laptop. I was playing Transformice like usual, and I had this unnerving feeling that something was watching me. This mask was unnerving. My mum and her boyfriend agreed that there was something not right about this mask. So my mum took it off the wall, and put it on the floor in the dinning room, leaning again her antique cabinet... And that was that, no more feeling of being watched... ...Until the morning. It started like any other morning; woke up, went on laptop, mum and her boyfriend wake up, go downstairs with laptop... ...After a few minutes, my mum says "If we tell you something, promise you won't freak out?"... (Knowing that as much as I have a fascination with the paranormal, it scares the shit out of me)... She slowly looks at the wall and there the mask is. In all its freaky glory. Andy and my mum both say they didn't put it back, and I know they wouldn't lie as they both looked genuinely scared. They know I wouldn't have done it cos I wouldn't go near the mask, let alone touch it. After this she put it on the wall in the hallway. It hasn't moved/been moved since. Other creepy things have also been happening. We already know that there's a spirit in this house; a kind spirit of a young boy (Probably about 9 or 11 years old), who died of mumps. He acts like a normal kid; moves stuff about; but he didn't do it cos he wouldn't have been able to reach (my mum had to stretch to put it up, and she's 5ft)... •There's also the spirit of my mum's old ginger and white cat, Figgy. Who was put to sleep on New Years' Day 2011• ... Another strange happening was later on that day, (she told me this later on, cos I went to clean out a glass and found peas in the sink)... When my mum was making herself something to eat. She was draining off a tin of peas, and she keeps the lid on while doing so... And she was gently (but with some force) pushed in the back. Hence the peas falling out into the sink. This wasn't the kid as he doesn't do things like this. Another occurrence; I lost my phone as it was on the table where I left it, after we looked for a few days, found it in a different room and it was on the sofa. Probably the strangest of all is my mum's pjs. She couldn't find them anywhere, thought they were probably in the washing pile... She put some things in the washing machine and they weren't there. Then we went into the living room and there on the small sofa, neatly folded, were these pjs. And my novelty pen (a cat) that someone gave me for Christmas, was on top of them... I thought my mum had done it for a laugh, but as neither of us had seen the pjs anywhere, there was no explanation; and they were folded up differently to how we would have folded them. And Chester (real cat; grey and white 2 year old kitten) couldn't have been playing with the pen because it was too neat to have been her and was too far away from where I'd left the pen. There's also been times where theres been a lot of atmosphere in certain places, and the cat's been more alert than usual... We've also noticed a few things being moved, but nothing too unordinary... This is all for now...

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