Translate   12 years ago

Moradel The powerful city of Moradel rose up out of the ground. Built into a mountain, it was almost impenetrable. The guards posted around every gate made it all the more intimidating, with their sleeveless armor revealing their well-muscled arms. Each guard was armed with a variety of deadly weapons, and their stance quite clearly stated, that they were extremely competent fighters. Deep inside the mountain, where long ago great crafters had carved a city into the rocks, a tower stood, watching over the magnificent city and all its inhabitants. Inside the tower, wizards trained for years to become true Wizards of the Spire. At the top of this tower was a special room, built specifically as a cage for the powerful sorceress who had been imprisoned there. The sorceress looked out over the city and leaned against the window ledge, as visions of the future flashed through her mind; visions that she had spent years trying to make sense of and control. She often thought it was impossible to connect any of the random flashes of people and places to anything real. But something powerful was stirring in the depths of Moradel. A sudden powerful vision seemed to overwhelm the rest and she was finally given a vision that was more than just a quick flash. She sat in place, entirely still, for the rest of the day as the vision clouded all other thoughts in her mind. When the vision came to its conclusion, she found paper and scribbled words leaving it on the table. She then hurled herself out of the tower. Moments later, a wizard ran into the tower and saw the paper on the table. He looked at the note, but was only able to make out a few words. ‘Korin’ ‘Syrdaes’ ‘Ceira’ The wizard turned to the guards who had followed him up the steps. “Find these three. They are to become the Lords of Moradel.”

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