Of Apathy I haven't even gotten on Opuss in a shamefully long time. The truth is I've been completely dry of inspiration. I've been floating along, so to speak, letting #life carry my thoughts where it will without voicing either encouragement or protest. And it's been horrifically depressing, so here I am to change it. I have no idea what I'm about to write, but, I hope it overcomes all of this apathy. Here goes. Four Grey Walls This #life Exhilaration Where have I let it go? The longest nights And the hardest contemplation Are all I have to show For a winter and an autumn Spent tumbling through a foggy mind I swim in seething self-damnation My purpose now cast far from the light I know it seems pathetic I never claimed to be a strong man And try though I did It seems I've done all I can I never claimed to be a survivor I never claimed to be worth a second glance I never saw anything to admire In a proud family's lost first chance I used to think there was A better side to me I used to believe I could inspire more than apathy I used to hope I used to dream, I used to live in my mind happily Now self undone I stand Naught but these four quiet grey walls My only company.

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