It is an exhilarating feeling when you want nothing more than to be swallowed up by a persons presence- not in the way that the floor would if you were particularly embarrassed but in the way that you constantly hunger for them. You want every aspect of them to mould into every crevice of your mind and absorb their way into your every thought process because they are that brilliant. You want them in full. Unconditionally. Their flaws suddenly become speckles of quirkiness upon the canvas of their #life - the art that it produces is obviously abstract and the interpretation you've mastered is that of astounding brilliance. Just like them. Suddenly everything tiny detail they possess overwhelms you both physically and in their personality, their mannerisms and behaviours are closely scrutinised and adored. That is when lust mets love in a whirlwind of emotion and surprise. Whipping around into a vortex of something new and entirely brilliant - much like them.

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