New. There's only one thing that's constant in our #life, our distorted view of reality, in every cell our body has and in every molecule we breathe in and that's change. Everything changes all the time, we can't fight it, the best we can do is roll with the punches the universe gives us and hope, well-for the best. Sometimes I wonder what it's all for. * I've been soaring so hight lately, given the set backs and the lingering disappointment that's there, but surly that will clear with time right? Today for instance seems all too different, I cant help but ask myself why? The differences I'm forced to comprehend now are small changes I should have made before. I don't recall such bright days in the midst of Decembers blues yet here they are and all to clear, almost like a summers stroll in the park. Redirecting my own feelings outwards is something I'm afraid todo, cracks in our foundation seem all to clear yet you don't see, hear or speak of such an indiscretion so neither will I, time taken to allow myself to open up have paid off in the unknowingly confidence I seem to have grown. I like what's all around me, I like what's becoming of my little soul and unlike before I'm wiser. Make me dream for its been too long. Make me chase something that's not there.

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