Translate   11 years ago

Today I've learnt. "Tis a far far better thing doing stuff for other people". I've learnt how true that #quote really is. I mean, people these days, especially teenagers are so selfish. Isn't a expensive, up to date, phone for Christmas not enough? I remember, my parents taught me to be grateful. And that's what I'm starting to do more. I may be a normal teenage girl but slowly, I feel like I'm becoming a woman... Okay I ask my mom for lifts far too often, and I'm not always friendly with my dad. But after hearing of all these innocent people having their lives taken away, I've realised something; #life is short. You need to live every day as unforgettable as possible. Because any day it could be gone. Or you could forget all those long summer nights with your friends. Or those long winter phone calls with that special person. So don't take what you have for granted! People around the world don't have what you get so easily. Boosting gratefulness and kindness is what I'm trying to do. And it's what every human being should do too. Be thankful you live the #life you do. And be kind to others who don't have quite as much as you. Aswell, don't be jealous of the people who have more than you. So, to my beautiful boyfriend Daniel. I wanna say thankyou. Thankyou for putting up with me. All my rants and flaws. Thankyou for sticking beside me and making everything better when I'm feeling sad. Thankyou for the amazing memories we've shared. Plenty more to come sweetheart. I love you. To my parents. Thankyou for bringing me into this world. Even though it's cruel and unfair, you've been there to help me every step of the way and I'm so grateful. Thankyou for raising me with polite manors, friendliness and the ability to accept things and move on. I appreciate everything you've done. I love you. To my friends. I wanna say that I'm so thankful you came into my #life. All of you. Thankyou for the laughs, the tears, the deep conversations, the arguements. You've truly made my #life a comedy film. It's been a blast to know you and relying on you. I love you all. And to the people who don't like me or who I don't like. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you never got to see me for who I truly am. I'm sorry I judged to quickly and got jealous because your hair was shinier than mine, or your clothes were nicer than mine. I'm trying to reduce my enemies. One by one I'm trying to make peace. I guess it's best that we live our seperate lives. Thankyou, Melanie

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