The Adventures Of Opuss Part 1 Grandma Puss lay in her chair with her head at an angle. "Opuss, you beautiful baby boy," she purred while stroking his unkempt fur. "Your parents would have been so proud of you..." 12 years later... "Good morning, Grandma Puss!" Bellowed Opuss, who had developed a rather deep voice in the last six months of Meowmer's 'How To Be A Cat Training'. This voice reminded Grandma Puss of Grandpa Puss however she did not dare to compare Opuss to Grandpa Puss. "Are you feeling up to some raspberry pancakes?" She asks. " No thanks" replies Opuss liking his paw lightly, " I think I'll head outside for some fresh air". As the crisp, cold air filled Opuss's lungs he lunged himself down the hills, through the streets and into the alleyways. The street was bare like an old tree in the desert: burnt, lost, empty... Tomcat's gang had left the entire alleyway in junk, scraps and blood. Opuss suspected the blood belonged to a loyal cat in his gang that he decided to kill in his bloodlust. 'Constant violence... Why?' Opuss wondered to himself. Suddenly Opuss felt an agonising pain travel from the top of his back to the bottom. Despite his body wanting to collapse onto the concrete ground, he stayed steadfast, moving could be extremely lethal. He was loosing consciousness and could, ever so slightly, feel himself slipping into darkness. "Goodbye." He heard a dark voice say, before he finally ebbed away. Opuss awoke with a regal stretch, his eyes were blurred at first but soon adjusted themselves to the light. A bright tango circle formed high in the sky was falling low, some flowing clouds impeded the circle leaving it a little lighter than usual. Opuss sat up and felt his pockets. "Damn it! They stole my phone!" He murmured to himself. He sat up and suddenly realised his legs were chained to the iron block beneath him. "Damn it! They've chained me up!" He said a little louder, stupidly he continued to shout "Help!" Oblivious to the fact he may have some captures waiting for him to wake up so they can vigorously torture him. "Help!" He kept shouting, hoping for someone... Anyone... to walk in and give him a reasonable explanation. A shadow crosses the room. It's cloak rises to show... "Grandma?" Opuss's chains are lifted as he asks of her identity. Silence keeps the room still. Subtly Opuss stands up so he can properly stare into the lady's eyes. But a moment arises, letting him out into the freedom of the wild. A fire door is opened. Will Opuss take a plunge for freedom or die finding out his Grandma's real identity? Find out in Part 2!

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