Carrot Fudge Carrot Fudge Ingredients: 1 ½ cups carrots, peeled and grated 3 ½ cups sugar ½ cup sweetened condensed milk ½ cup water ½ teaspoons lemon extract (not lemon juice) 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ cup chopped walnuts (optional) ½ cup raisins (optional) Put carrots, sugar, condensed milk and water in a 4 quart saucepan. Stir constantly over low heat until sugar is melted. Increase heat to medium and bring to a boil. Use a pastry brush dipped in hot water to brush crystals off the side of the pan. Don’t stir while it cooks. Heat to soft ball stage which is about 238 degrees on your candy thermometer. Place pan in cold water bath making sure water comes at least an inch up the side of the pan. Let it cool for 10 minutes add lemon extract and cinnamon, allow to cool until it gets to 110 degrees. Stir until the fudge thickens and becomes duller, add nuts and raisins pour into a buttered 8 x 8 pan. Allow to cool in refrigerator for several hours, cut and serve.

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