Translate   11 years ago

Why I Hate School But Love Education? The question is why ? Why is it hard ? School gets you sad and education gets you a long term accomplishment What do you want fun or happiness after? You want to get a degree ? But have you ever asked yourself why? Society would tell you that is more likely for you to get a job But your parents would tell you that the'll be proud. So tell me why do you want a degree is it for you or is it for them? Or just to hear words flow out of someones mouth just to make you feel better? Some people have the nerve to say "i don't do it for the money" then what are you doing it for? So what are you studying for ? To work for a charity? But lemme tell you something Education is the key. Jesus , Ali , Shakespeare , Beethoven Do they ring a bell? Think. Was they unsuccessful or uneducated? My point would be that If there was a family tree for hard work and education they would be siblings but school and education would be a distant cousin. Education is da key but school is the lock. As long as you follow rules and pass exams your okay rite? But examiners have their own checklist so if the answer is outside the box is an automatic cross. And then they claim school expands your visions. Proverbs 17:16 says , it does a fool no good to spend money on education. Why? Because he lacks common sense. Education is about inspiring someones mind not filling up someones head with information that #life doesn't recuir. I find myself memorizing facts datas and dates , half of which i will never remember and half of which i will forget right after the exam. Often finding myself running to class , to not be late but to just find a desk to lay my head on without making a scene , this might have been the only time i tried chasing my dream. I'm not saying that school is evil and theres nothing you can gain but all I'm saying is re-asses your aims. If you don't build your dream someone else will hire you to build theirs. Just redefine education Education is what you make it School is just the experience that comes with It , you decide Do you want fun or happiness after? Lil Rica.

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