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Terror Tunnel George Stanford was an ordinary boy. He was aged thirteen and lived with his Father in a farm. The only problem was that the farm was haunted by a man who used to live there, and his name was Darren. He also lived with his niece, Sinead. They both died when they were burgled at the same house George lives in. George had never seen any ghosts or weird things; nor had his Father, but people had often said that they had seen some things. One freezing winter afternoon, George was playing in the glorious snow, as the sun set down as though it was melting one centimetre of snow and frost every minute. Suddenly a big thud came from the garden shed. He knew he should not go anywhere near it, but it sounded as though someone needed help with something or other. George crept to the shed with shudders of fright and coldness. George stepped around, and saw nothing but snow. Suddenly with shock, George was pushed into a gloomy hole against the shed wall. "Dad!" George wailed, "who is doing this?" No voice came, just movements came from the end of wherever George was. "I hear you ask freedom?" a voice asked. A white figure came into sight with a large pigeon gun in its hand. "I'm Darren," the ghost whispered. "Get away from me!" George yelled. A bullet was shoot, but it missed, and made a hole so some light came through. Another bullet was shot, and it hit George's head. "Aha!" Darren laughed. George fell to the ground with pain, and Darren floated up into the sky. Four days later, George's father found the body, and he buried it sadly in the same position his #life was lost. By Matilda

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