Translate   12 years ago

The Diary Of Robert Scott The diary of Robert Scotts Guess it's time to make a move mum. Do I really have to go jack I don't think I will last in that bloody home. Sorry mum you have to go there i can't care for you here,your 20 miles from the nearest hospital 10 miles from nearest doctor. I need you close to me I love you mum and wouldn't forgive my self if I didn't do this. Okay son I know and it would be nice to see Edith more. Edith was jacks wife a teacher just left university. Jack ! down in the cellar there is a box could you bring it up for me,it's very important, I need to show you something. Jack went down the cellar cold and damp and with no real light he hunted for the box Martha his mother was looking for. After twenty minutes and a lot of swear words jack found the box and took it back up stairs. Now Martha jacks mother was in her 80s and was suffering from mild altzimers not a lot just the beginning of it. She had lived in the small cottage in the depths of the peak district all her #life. It was passed down to her from her father and his father before. It wasn't big just two bedrooms a kitchen and a living room. The cottage over looked stunning landscape and boasted a stream running right past the front garden. At the back was a vast forest of pine planted about 20 years previous, at first matha was distraught about the forest, but as the years pasted and the more the wild#life came into her garden she started to really enjoy the new edition to the landscape. Martha up till the age of 60 had been a sheep farmer doing really well in the cotton trade. So we'll she was able to send Tim to Sheffield university to study as a architect and he managed to pass with flying colours. Jack was her only child there was a sister but she died in child birth. Martha had been married to Charles Wentworth who was a captain in the KING'S OWN YORKSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY in ww1. He had made it though the great war and could have gone on to be a great things but decide he'd prefer the quiet #life with matha. Charles died 9 years ago and Martha was devasted and for two or three months looked on deaths door herself but she pulled though. Tim can I show you something we haven't got time mum I'll have a look later. Now let's get of and get you to the home its nice and warm there it's winter here and you know what happens when winter hits here don't you. Jack you really are a good son I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me and I can't wait to spend Xmas with you and Edith. Well jack said I've got a surprise for you. What's that jack, your going to be grandma . O jack really o that's the best Xmas gift ever. And mum I thought praps we could get you back to the home and then you can come and spend Xmas with us. Jack your are a wonderful boy I'm so proud of all you have done I'm looking forward to being near you. Matha was sad to leave her home but she also did crave the chance to spend more time with jack and wife edith . She had left the cottage to jack to do with as he pleased. It was hour drive to the home and they set of matha was very tired and was feeling a bit light headed she closed her eyes and went to sleep. Mum mum wake will you please, please Help will someone help jack shouted, They where at the home but matha wouldn't wake. For gods sake someone do something. The doctor on call at the home ran out and sat by matha, she was cold and the side of her face had dropped. The doctor felt for a heart beat nothing, please tell me she is alright said jack. I'm sorry Mr Wentworth she's gone. Jack broke down by the side of the car holding his mother's head against his. It was a massive stroke and heart attack, she wouldn't off even know about it stroke first then heart attack all in her sleep. I'm sorry jack. It's been a week now since Martha s passing and the funeral has just been and jack is sitting in his office at home. He still can't believe his mother has gone, it don't seem right some how soon as we left her cottage it was if her soul was left there. She almost went to sleep soon as we left. I think I need to go back for a while, he asked his wife if they could move there for a while she agreed and secretly Edith wanted to move there any how but new jacks work was more important. But with more roads being built and better cars it was easy for him to comute from there, plus with the new arrival it would good for the new baby. Sheffield was a big steel city and the pollution was getting worse since the start of the ww2. Jack wasn't called up due to a illness which he had at 4 and had damaged one of his lungs. This was perfect edith thought to get away from the war as well as starting a fresh. It was now getting on for new years eve jack and Edith where settled in to the cottage and they both agreed it was a new start that they needed. Jack had moved all is drawing boards and office into the cellar and he had also taken the box down the the cellar that his mum told him to get just before leaving. Well I suppose I better open it up and have a look. Jack undone the clasp and opened it. Inside was a uniform of a captain which he assumed to be that of his dad Charles some medals and also and old tin of tabbaco empty of corse. Then at the bottom of the box a brown diary with the name Robert Scotts on the outside dated 1st of January 1915. It was some what strange to open this diary on the same day 26 years ago that Robert must have received it. I wounder what's in it and why dad had it in his trunk. Jack pulled the two leather straps apart that held the diary together and opened the first page. On the inside it read. To my darling son I give you this jounel for you to remember the good but also the bad. Understand me Robert that it is important to remember the bad as well as the good so you can look back and think how lucky you are to still be alive. I pray your safe return. Love mum. Jack turned to the next page to start reading, January 1st

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