Her Darkness: Part 1 No one knew why she did it. But one day, I walked in from the bus and she was just there. My sister. She was just dead. She was laying in her room, all still and pale. She had an odd color to her face. I couldn't believe what was going on. "Jamie! Jamie wake up!" I shouted. I shook her. I screamed. She didn't move. She was dead. I ran down the kitchen. I picked up the phone. I didn't know what to do. What does someone do when they find a dead sister in their house? I decided to call 9-1-1. Long story short, I called 9-1-1. The ambulance and police came. And they asked me questions. I couldn't talk over the sobs and tears. "I just walked up to her room and she was dead!" I cried. Mom came home and cried. She went to her room for days and cried. She didn't come out for 3 days. She barely ate for three days. I did the same. You see, Jamie was a straight A, perfect, beautiful girl. At 15, she was on the high-school cheer team and had a boyfriend, Garrett, the quarterback for the team. She was the favorite kid, naturally. And I was not a good child. I was in 8th grade when this happened. I made bad grades and was late for class. I snuck out late at night for about anything. That was me, the awful and dreaded Piper. My aunt blamed the death on me. I called my sister something unrepeatable the night before Jamie's death. Truth be told, Jamie purposely over-dosed on Mom's sleep pills. Police found Jamie's diary and found that she was depressed because she found that Garrett had cheated on her. That was kept inside the family away from the media. We all knew Garrett's father was a lawyer. No information was leaked. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THIS IS A FICTIONAL STORY. PLEASE COMMENT IF I SHOULD WRITE A SECOND PART!!! thanks
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