Vertalen   12 jaren geleden

The Christmas Cat In a far away land lived a poor cat his name is mittens. He had a fluffy belly that was white and a little black topping. He had no owner he lived in a dingy cat home but one sunny day there was two lovely and kind people named Sam and Steve they had a 6 year old boy named George who wished for a black and white cat for Christmas. George was at his nana's house, a few hours later George's mum and dad was at his nana's picking him up. Every night George prayed and prayed for a cat but mittens that night dreamt of a good family to live with but not an Normal family he wanted a kind caring playful family. The next morning was Christmas Eve George started writing a letter to Santa saying " dear Santa all I would like for Christmas is a black and white cat who is playful and funny lots of love George" meanwhile Sam and Steve were signing mittens to come and live with them then suddenly a man walked in and said " can I have this cat" " no" screamed Sam. The man argued with Sam but finally the had enough and miserably stomped out of the room. That night George prayed one last time for a cat he was there for a long time meanwhile mittens was in the car waiting until he could meet his new owners. George heard jingles suddenly he rapped himself in his cover s and quietly drifted to sleep. Christmas Day came and with one big yawn George had kicked the day off George rushed into his mum and dad's room and shouted " it's Christmas" his mum and dad slowly walked downstairs while George rushed downstairs. After about half an hour George had finished his presents but sadly he had no cat then his dad walked in and said " welcome a new member to the Russell family" ( that was the last name of the family) George sprung up with joy " you did buy me a cat thanks dad thanks mum" George said happily " his name is mittens he's you responsibility" So people just write a letter or write a note you never know what your gonna get for Christmas. The end By George Russell

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