Translate   12 years ago

Wake Me Up! "6:30 AM!?!?!?!? You have to be kidding me! What makes you think I can wake up at 6:30 AM?" I screamed to my mom and dad when they woke me up that morning. My mother hates it when I scream at her. Her face turned red, and I could tell...she was about to blow! "CANT YOU JUST DEAL WITH IT? YOU HAVE SUMMER CAMP 2 HOURS AWAY! CANT YOU JUST DEAL WITH IT?" She yelled right back at me. She repeats things when she it angry. I knew not to yell, but 6:30...really? I am a teenager, I need my 12 hours of sleep. My father was getting my mother all calmed down. Then he came into my bedroom. "Did you have to yell at her?!?!?!?!?! Anyway, let's get going to your camp. It does start at 80, so you're probably going to be a little late." said father. I got my bags and went into the car to wait for father and mother. It was about 45 minutes for father to get into the car. "Wait, where is mother?" I asked when father started the car. "She is not coming. She was so fired up since you yelled at her this morning." he said, and with that we were off! The car ride there was TERRIBLE! And it turns out, I left my blanket at home! I guess I will be sleeping with no blankets for the next 3 weeks. "Why do I have to be going to summer camp?" I asked my father. "Because..." he paused. "We have triplets coming along!" he answered. I really have no idea why that means I have to go to summer camp though. Before I knew it, we were at summer camp and I literally cried once I saw the camp grounds! Don't mock me would too if you had to spend 3 whole weeks here! Plus I have to wake up at 6:30 every morning! That's not summer, thats's school! I wanted to spend my summer waking up at 11:30 and then going to the pool! That's what we did all last summer, so I don't see why put ME through the pain. Well about the camp, it is some militay camp, so

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