My Call Within Wall You Just amongst shade There is a joy in you An darkling depth That you locked away so Long Presses at the creases of your skin yearning to get out I don't want that part of you to die But this pain This sweet pain This lush agony It is romance Yes,..... It is Caresses With my hand of fade And just to see you smile That makes me so happy Neither Me nor folks to Give you that harm Darkness To dead heart feeling loveless Fragile Skin that glows Within shades Sparkling Strayed tears in Your cheek field It's your eyes that I notice I began to listen I listen to the sound Of your sighs They harmonise with my dissonance A beat a heart of you skip One's sigh straw It's your glossy tears that I allure You straw a tear of one's Eye and so began to cry No, just no daintily hold your tear on my fingertip There I drain your precious tear and from my throat I swallow As honey nectar It was straying Within my mouth Closer I get to you and hold your jowl within my hand You look at my eyes and stray I call out to it, Are you there? Are you hearing? Are you real? Shall I?....... Faintly follows, "Yes" By: Addy