Traducciones   12 años

A free verse I wrote a while back. I also adapted it into a #poem. Critique is encouraged ^.^ ____________________ I run your sharp kiss across my wrist. Should I give in? You call to me. Beckoning cries of angst. But I'm stronger than you. My headphones blare with the song of all these false deities and their taunting. Constantly prodding me to do it. No one will know. No one will care. But I'm strong... I'm supposed to be strong. Darkness immerses my weary soul and fades Your light to a dull flicker. I blindly walk further. I can no longer see your love. In the dark I'm faced with the blazing torch of fire. She threatens to drown me in your flames. Should I give in? Though I ache for your crippling burn, your vomit inducing burn, I venture further into the dark. Finally I reach the end of the path and here lies my most destructive sin. A reflective glass shines, allowing what was before it visibility. Behold my broken self image. Unleash your knives and your bottles. I can fight those. But I cannot fight myself. My three deadly sins surround me, ready to pounce. I give in.

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