If I Were A Butterfly If I were a butterfly I'd jump and fly away, Nowhere would I remain, if i didn't want to stay. I'd float around aimlessly and try to be at peace, Maybe then all the pain I feel, would eventually cease. I'd spend my #life as I want, free, to do as I please, I'd lie back and be carried by the north-westerly breeze. But society would catch me, ensnare me with it's net, Woven of lies, deceit and hate, sprayed down with a sense of threat. They'd pin me down, and trap me, lock me in my case, So they can check and make sure that, I don't step a foot out of place. They'd use me, abuse me, take what the need, All to fulfill their never ending greed. I'd be forced to listen, as they spit their venomous words, Scoffing at my ideas, saying 'peace' is absurd. But if I were a butterfly I'd jump and fly away, Because at the end of it all, I couldn't care less what society says. ©
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Mason Dowdy
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