Translate   12 years ago

Why Being Straight Is Wrong 1.) It goes against my beliefs. 2.) Straight people are more likely to beat their children. 3.) More straight people have Cancer than gay people. 4.) It's not natural! Why would you put your penis in a vagina?! You have a penis, your penis should only touch other penises or vice versa. 5.) Straight people will encourage more people to be straight, which encourages number five. 6.) Straight people will raise straight children which will cause cancer to grow at a tremendous rate. 7.) If we as a species let people be straight, they will feel the need to broadcast it to everyone. They will start holding hands in the street and hugging each other often. It will be complete chaos. 8.) Straight people have demons inside them. They are evil. 9.) If we allow straight people to marry, we might as well let people marry dogs. That how different men and women are. They have no right to be together. 10.) I read a book once and it told me being straight was wrong. It was written on paper, it must be right. 11.) If people continue to be straight, they will have more and more babies, causing the world to overpopulate. 12.) It goes against that book (see number ten) I claimed to read once. I will stand by that book and bash straight people even though I'M going against said book by making this list. 13.) I think it's wrong, that means its wrong! I know people with straight disease will complain, but I won't listen to them because they are messed up in the head. Does the stupidity of this post offend you? Oh really? It does, because that's how dumb you sound when you bash gay people. ** I did not write this. I found it on Instagram and thought it had a valid point.

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