Translate   12 years ago

Letters To The Sky I spend my days Laying down, Watching clouds go by. Sometimes I sleep, And sometimes I don't, But mostly I write letters to the sky. They say, "Sky, you are so big and blue, With birds and clouds just floating through. Sometimes you're gray, Sometimes you're white, When you're black it means it's night. Me and you, We're just the same. We cry, We sleep, We have a name. Looking out at you, Sky, I really believe you can do anything if you try. Sky, Don't you feel alone? When no ones out, When you don't have a home? You see, That's why I write you letters; In hopes that they'll make you feel better. Because, Sky, I know how it feels to have no one. You do work first, But there's still no fun. It's ok when people laugh at me for writing to you. Because I don't need them. I just need me, and the grass, And the great, big, blue You. #sky

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