wake up call Prologue; Part Two - - - - - - The only sound in the house was the gentle tapping of raindrops on the windowsills all around my bedroom. I looked out of the window and frowned. This place was so much different from the city. I had become so accustomed to hearing the honking of horns and the skidding of tires on the pavement that I felt completely out of place. Both of my parents had gone out to buy groceries and decorations for the house. It made me wonder if this might just be our permanent residence. Usually when we got to a location, my parents didn’t bother to buy food or anything to make the place look nicer because there wasn’t a point. I got up from the chair by the window and picked up one of the boxes outside my room. I placed it on my small, twin sized bed and started to open it. Immediately, I felt a smile tugging on the sides of my lips. The box was filled with all of my favorite CD’s. There had to be about one hundred of them in here. Just when I was about to start taking them out, the bell to our front door rang. I groaned and walked downstairs, wondering who it could be. My parents were still out, and I didn’t know anyone around this area, so it had to be one of our neighbors. When I opened the front door, I saw that I was right. There was a boy on the porch, about my age, holding a tray of cookies in one hand and holding an umbrella over his head with the other one. His facial expressions showed that this was the last place on earth that he wanted to be. I smirked at him. “Can I help you?” “Uh, yeah…” he started. “I just wanted to welcome you and your family to the neighborhood.” I raised an eyebrow. “You wanted to?” He chuckled softly and held the tray of cookies out towards me. “Not really, but my mom made me. I’m used to seeing families with kids that are way younger than I am. It’s nice to see a change.” I smiled and took the tray of cookies from him. I then opened up the door wider, motioning for him to come inside. After he did, I shut the door behind him. “Sorry, my parents aren’t home right now.” He shrugged his shoulders, looking around at the house. “Nice place you’ve got here,” he said. “My name is Flynn, by the way.” “Reid.” His phone let out a soft ring and he took it out of his pocket. His eyes skimmed over the message and he sighed. “I completely forgot,” he said. “My friend is hosting a party right up the street and I told him I would be there.” There was an awkward silence for about seven seconds. I took this time to admire the rug that I was standing on. “I guess I’ll see you around,” he said before heading to the door. He smiled at me and then opened up the door and passed slipped through before closing it with a gentle click. I looked through the window and watched him walk up the street to where the party was with his umbrella. I half-wished that he had invited me, but I knew that there was no way of that happening. He had just met me, for crying out loud. I walked back up the stairs to my bedroom to start unpacking a few things when I heard my parents come in through the door leading through the garage. They were laughing as they put away the groceries. I deserted any attempts I had made for unpacking and went downstairs to meet them. When I got to the kitchen, my mom immediately held out a plastic Tupperware bin filled with pencils, paper and binders. “What’s all this for?” I asked, taking the box from her and inspecting it. She rolled her eyes at me. “School, obviously,” she started. She then put a small shopping bag on top of the Tupperware container. “Here are some clothes, too. You’re starting tomorrow at Sharon.” “I have to start tomorrow?” I exclaimed. “We haven’t even been here for a full day!” She shrugged. “Well then you better get everything ready.” I glared at her before marching upstairs back upstairs. I was used to being new; I had become accustomed to it after my third school. It’s the same routine every time. I always meet people, but before I really get to know them, it’s time to move again. I just hoped that I would have a little bit of time before I had to do it all again. I dug around in the boxes for a few minutes before coming across my backpack. I quickly stuffed all of my books, papers, pencils and binders inside and then threw it inside of my closet. Then, I took all of the clothes that my mom had given me and hung them all up in my closet, not even caring to try them on. I then flopped on my bed, staring at the ceiling for a while. I wondered how my first day would be like, and I drifted off to sleep thinking about it.
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Grace â
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Mason Dowdy
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