Tradurre   12 anni fa

Same Love Pt.2 "Jake... what can I say he was one of a kind that's for sure. He could always brighten my day just by smiling at me or at anyone. He was quiet but when he spoke he always had something to say.. Jake was my best friend and I'll miss him...." I got down from the podium whipping tears from my face.. It'd been 3 months since I'd first saw him getting bullied in the hallway. In Algebra the next day I asked for help on an easy math problem just so I could talk to him. He was Insanely funny and made me laugh all through class. When we stepped out into the hallway together the jocks walked towards us Brett, my boyfriend at the time, in the lead. "Hey loser,stay away from my girl" he said smirking while putting his arm around me and pushing Jake away. "Brett, guys leave him alone.." I said back shrugging his arm off of my shoulders. "Oh so now you're gonna stick up for the nerds.. Whatever Dani." He said as he stormed off.. "You didn't have to do that you know.. I can handle it." Jake said staring at the ground.. "You're right I didn't have to do that, but I wanted to no one should have to deal with that." I said smiling at him. " Besides" I started to say as I glanced down the hall at Brett. " Its kinda fun to watch him get all flustered like that." Jake looked up smirking "You know for a football star he is kinda short" he said as he burst out into laughter. I think his laugh is what I miss most of all...

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