Translate   12 years ago

Niall Horan Gone Mad (A Niall Horan Fan-Fic) Authors note: hi guys please tell me if you like this story if not I will not continue to write this story. I have never written a long story before and I am hoping to write one over the next I don't know how long so I hope u like it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi my name is Alexis and I am about to finish my final High School years!! I am super excited about it and I can't wait for the holidays because I am looking for a career as a singer. "Alexis the phone is ringing!" Yelled my mum "Do you want me to answer it for you?" "No mother I am quite capable of doing that my self" I yelled back "Hello, Alexis speaking" "Hello Alexis, I am calling about your advertisement for a career as a singer?" A mysterious voice said "Yes, I am hoping to get a career as a singer but I'm unsure whether I am good enough for it" I said in a sadder voice "We'll I am a representative for Sony Jr Music productions and I am willing for you to do a demo with us and then we can go from there" The voice on the phone said "If you give me your house address and I can work out a way of getting you here to London" I was over the moon. "Thank you so much my address is 37 Easter Way" I said in a happy voice "Ok ill be there at 9am sharp tomorrow morning make sure you are ready" he said "And make sure it is only you that comes. See you then Bye" I am super excited I have to tell my mum. I quickly race up the stairs into mums bedroom, when i realised I can't tell her because she will want to come with me to London. "Hey mum am I allowed to go to my friends house to sleep? It's her birthday tomorrow and I want to...." I said when she cut me off "Sure don't waste your silly explanations on me you know you don't have to explain to me its your father you have to explain to. He is coming home from work just past 9am" "But that's the time I wanted to leave can you please cover for me mum Please pretty please with a cherry on top!" I said trying to persuade my mum to make an excuse for me. "Sure but if you haven't left before he comes you are asking him if you can go" mum said ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: I hope you guys liked it and i know its short but if you want it longer please tell me. If any one comments ill continue and vote for this plz Ps anyone know how old I am? Ps again, anyone want to create my book cover? Plz

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