Translate   12 years ago

Meeting You "Amelia! Amelia get UP!" A face appeared in my blurred vision as i struggled to gain consciousness. The face was that of a boy my age, with curly brown hair and piercing green eyes full of tiny gold flecks. In one word he was gorgeous. Handsome. Adorable. Beautiful. But he also projected an aura of trustworthiness. And in an untrustworthy world full of untrustworthy people, trustworthiness was the most handsome feature of all. A feeling washed over me, one that left me feeling as though i knew him. From where i did not know, nor did i know how he knew my name, but at that moment i knew he was someone i wanted to know. Someone i wanted to be friends with. "Amelia! Say something, anything. Please!" The boy was pleading for something that seemed quite impossible to me at the moment. I couldn't say a word. It was as though my voice had flown away from my body and escaped me. I just shook my head sadly, indicating that i couldn't speak. "Please try," he whispered softly. For his sake, i did. But it was in vain. I choked on my own breath and fell into a fit of sharp, ragged coughs. "I'm sorry Amelia," he whispered apologetically, making a face as though he was holding back tears. Why was this boy crying for me? Who was he? "I'm sorry," he said again. "I have failed you Amelia." Though it should have been the other way around, i wanted to comfort the boy. He was miserable, his soul racked with horrible, unearthly, inhumane pain for me. What had i done to deserve such care, such pity, from someone who i couldn't remember? The beautiful boy looked into my face and read my questioning expression. "I...i don't know how to tell you but..." His voice trailed off into the howling winds that blew the forest around us as he tried to explain and failed. "Your" his words stopped again, but i barely noticed. The world spun around me as everything came back to me and i was lost in memories. Curly brown hair and green eyes. Best friends. Discovering my "secret". Discovering his. Together. Kissing. Then going back to being just friends. Saving the world with that one little confession. All wrapped up in one neat tidy memory triggered by the word "confession". I pulled myself out of my reveries and opened my mouth, truly believing i could speak again. And i did. Just like that. As heavy gray clouds flew around my head, i uttered a single sentence, "I'm sorry." Nick's eyes widened in surprise as he paused, taking in the words. "No, I'm sorry. I was sworn to protect you. And i failed." "But you didn't," i whispered with a smile. "I'm still here, and so are you." "No, you don't understand! The confession damaged your soul beyond repair. You're mostly dead, but you cannot move to the World of the Dead, for part of your soul still remains behind." But we were together, the only thing i ever cared about. And so, we lived between the dimensions of the living and the dead, the earth and the sky, together. Happily. Creating the storms and the earthquakes, the sunsets and the moons. All because of that exquisitely twisted confession.

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